Please note that when you access, browse or use this Site you accept, without qualification or limitation, the terms and conditions below.

Your right to use the site and it's contents

This site is for your personal use only. You may not distribute, exchange, modify, sell or transmit anything you copy from this Site, including but not limited to any text, images, audio and video, for any business, commercial or public purposes. As long as you comply with the terms of these Terms & Conditions of Use, Affordable Aluminium grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable limited right to enter and use this Site. You agree not to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the operation of this Site in any way.


All materials on this Site, including but not limited to images, software and text (the ‘Content’), are protected by copyright under UK copyright law, international conventions, and other copyright laws. You cannot use the Content, except as specified herein. You agree to follow all instructions on this Site limiting the way you may use the Content. Any unauthorised use of the Content may violate copyright laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and civil and criminal statutes. If you download any Content from this Site, you may not remove any copyright notices or other notices that go with it.


Affordable Aluminium may add to, change or remove any part of these Terms & Conditions of Use at any time, without notice. Any changes to these Terms Conditions of Use or any terms posted on this Site apply as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use this Site after any changes are posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes. Affordable Aluminium may add, change, discontinue, remove or suspend any other Content posted on this Site, including features and specifications of products and/or services described or depicted on the Site, temporarily or permanently, at any time, without notice and without liability.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Affordable Aluminium and all of its directors, employees, associates, information providers (collectively, “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against all liability and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claims arising out of any breach by you of these Terms & Conditions of Use or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants. You will cooperate as fully as reasonably required in our defence of any claim. Affordable Aluminium reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you and you shall not, in any event, settle any matter without the written consent of Affordable Aluminium.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Damages: Limitation of Liability

Your use of this site is at your own risk. This site (including all content and functions made available on or accessed through this site) is provided “as is.” to the fullest extent permissible by law, with regard to the content on this site, Affordable Aluminium makes no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever (1) for the accuracy, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of any content published on or available through the site, (2) that the server that makes this site available is free of viruses or other components that may infect, harm or cause damage to your computer equipment or any property when you access, browse, download from or otherwise use the site. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to Affordable Aluminium negligence, shall Affordable Aluminium be liable for any consequential, direct, incidental, indirect, punitive or special damages related to (a) the use of, (b) the inability to use or (c) errors or omissions in the contents and functions of this site, even if Affordable Aluminium or an authorised representative thereof has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

General Provisions

These Terms & Conditions of Use and any additional terms posted on this Site together constitute the entire agreement between Affordable Aluminium and you with respect to your use of this Site. Any cause of action you may have with respect to your use of the Site must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim of action arises. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of the Terms & Conditions of Use, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of this agreement, and the remainder of these Terms & Conditions of Use shall continue in full force and effect. These Terms & conditions of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

Privacy Policy

Affordable Aluminium takes the privacy of its users seriously. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users while providing a personalised and valuable service. This Privacy Policy statement explains the data processing practices of Affordable Aluminium. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to these practices please contact us by email.


Personal information is collected by Affordable Aluminium. We collect personal information from you through the use of enquiry and registration forms and every time you e-mail us your details. We also collect information automatically about your visit to our site. The information obtained in this way, which includes demographic data and browsing patterns, is only used in aggregate form.

Use and Disclosure of personal information

We process personal information collected via the Affordable Aluminium site for the purposes of:

If you do not wish to receive information about our products or services, please untick the appropriate box on any form you submit. We may also disclose your information to business partners and third party suppliers we engage to provide services which involve processing data on our behalf, successors in title to our business or in accordance with a properly executed court order.

We also use information in aggregate form (so that no individual user is identified):

Links to Other Sites

The Affordable Aluminium website (( contains links to other sites. Please be aware that Affordable Aluminium is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other sites. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this website.

Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. Therefore, by browsing the Affordable Aluminium site and communicating electronically with us you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer’s browser upon visiting the website. It helps some of our website’s functionality to display correctly, and to be more efficient, whilst also tracking data that helps us interpret how you navigate the website & further improve your browsing experience. Most of the data that cookies track is anonymous, though some of it is developed to recognise patterns of interactions with the website, as well as take an approximate geographical location to improve user experience. Cookies will remember information about the pages you visit, and actions you complete on the website, however it does not give us access to your computer or any information that is identifiable, other than the details you choose to share with us.

Google & Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to better understand how our customers navigate to and through our website, how long customers spend visiting our content items and how often they return to visit our website. Google Analytics also helps us track the effectiveness of the money we spend on our digital marketing and social media campaigns.